Court Support

Leduc Victims Services - Court Support

As a victim of crime, the court process can be confusing; especially when you have never had to deal with it before. Our unit can help you better understand each step in the process, and support you as your matter progresses through court. We will also ensure that your rights are being upheld throughout the process, and advocate for you when necessary.

Support with the court process is made up of 3 main parts:

  • Court/ File Updates: The court process can be long at times, and so our unit can keep you updated on what happens in court so you only have to attend when needed. We can let you know after each court date what happened in court, and answer any questions you may have about the process.
  • Court Preparations: If you are subpoenaed as a witness by the Crown Prosecutor’s Office, our unit can meet with you before you testify to explain what to expect. Testifying can be nerve-wracking, so we will go through any questions you may have and give you an idea of how your day in court will look. Court preps can take place in person (following Covid-19 Safety measures), over the phone, or via video conferencing (e.g. Zoom).
  • Court Support: On the day of court, our unit can attend the courthouse with you to show you where to go, help you connect with the Crown Prosecutor before court begins, and support you throughout the day.



Leduc Protective Services Building
(Leduc RCMP Detachment)
#1, 4119 50th Street
Leduc, Alberta T9E 7L9


OFFICE AT (780) 980-7232


8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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