
Leduc Victims Services - AddictionsAddictions can greatly impact someone’s life and result in a change to how they think and react to situations. There are many different types of addictions, but most experts agree that most addictions fall into one of two categories:

Addictions can harm someone in many ways. For example, an addiction can result in risky behaviour (e.g., driving while intoxicated), make it difficult to hold a job, or cause families or friendships to fall apart. As such, it is important to ask for help to overcome an addiction. Residential treatment facilities (aka Rehab), therapy, medications, and support groups are all possible treatment options.


For Family Members and Friends

Family members and friends of someone with an addiction can also be affected. Communication may decrease and family members may also take on added responsibilities around the house or financially. It can be a frustrating, lonely, angry, shame filled experience for loved ones.

It is important for family members and friends to remember that the addiction is not their fault, and that there are supports available for them as well.




Helpful Information



Leduc Protective Services Building
(Leduc RCMP Detachment)
#1, 4119 50th Street
Leduc, Alberta T9E 7L9


OFFICE AT (780) 980-7232


8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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